When I say that Fenway Park is my favorite place in Boston, I mean it. The energy there is amazing - not to mention the history of the park coupled with my family's multi-generational status as die-hard Red Sox fans. At Fenway, the buzz of Boston pride runs so deep it's almost tangible.
The picture above was taken at 5:00 p.m. That's more than 2 hours before the Red Sox game began. Fenway and Yawkey Way were already alive with fans. Whenever I go to the game with my dad, we get there early to watch batting practice.
Three of the most famous signs around Fenway |
The crowds all lined up (I use this term loosely - there was much comparison to European ski lift lines) and waiting to get in! Again - this is 2 hours prior to game time and I'm 99% sure if you leave you can't get back in again. That is some serious fanaticism aka dedication :)
The infamous Green Monster. This high wall has prevented many a ball from becoming home runs. Given its height and uneven nature (there is a ladder and the manual scoreboard on the wall) it can be extremely difficult for left fielders (especially those from away teams) to field balls that are hit off of the wall.
The Citgo sign guided me through Boston more than once before I moved there and learned my way around. I would walk the streets until I could see that sign and then walk towards it, knowing that once I made my way to the landmark I would be in the familiar surroundings of Kenmore Square.
Fans lined up to catch fly balls during batting practice. |
Underneath Fenway always felt like a maze of hot dogs, pipes and ramps to me. When I was little it scared me a bit, but I have grown to love the hint of creepiness.
Packed crowds. In fact, our game was the highest attended game in Red Sox history! This seems kind of crazy to me, since it wasn't a particularly special game. It wasn't against the Yankees or to clinch any sort of title. Maybe that means the seats were cheaper? In any case, Red Sox games are always packed. Most people stick it out through the whole game. I have never left a Sox game early.
I just realized that I haven't explained the title of these posts and to anyone who doesn't know, they might be a bit confusing. The song continues, "Oh, Boston you're my home" and is of even greater significance because they play it at the end of every Red Sox win. Unfortunately, the Sox lost the game we attended. A win would have been nice, but just being in Fenway Park and watching the game with my parents and Dan was enough for me.