Sunday, January 1, 2012

a few pictures as of late

{weekend breakfast: fried eggs, sweet potato homefries, fresh herbs, and goat cheese}

{the morning light creeps through our window}

{homebrews by Dan and Chris}
{red, white, and blue}
{the chosen one}

Some of these pictures are from the fall and some are more recent.  We forgot our camera bag in Vail and now I'm playing catch-up.  Get ready for quite a few more pictures from the past 3 months!


  1. Haha the morning light creeps in and YOU creep on Dan sleeping!

  2. wow awesome pictures! you are getting so good!

  3. hahahah i am such a creeper, jessie! and thanks so much, dbelle!

  4. did you really make this for breakfast?? this is so impressive! zach would die if i made something like this- last weekend i had pound cake and diet coke for sunday brunch.

  5. is there a recipe for that wonderful looking breakfast?!

  6. wow! i'm so flattered you guys think my breakfast looks good! it is really easy! you just cut up left-over baked potatoes and some onion and saute them in a bit of olive oil, (i use regular and sweet potatoes and add herbs de provence), then fry an egg, put it on top and add chees (of course!). xox
