Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas

Well it's been a full 25 days of holiday related posts.  For the most part, I've enjoyed coming up with them, although I must admit that sometimes it felt like a bit much.  Today is my last post - at least until New Years anyway...So finally, here are a few pictures I've collected over the month that I think best embody the spirit of Christmas.  I hope you like them as much as I do.  


:::source unknown:::






Merry Christmas! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

happy hanukkah!

I hope everyone is having a Happy Hanukkah! I meant to post this on the first night, but time flies and all of a sudden we're already in the swing of Hanukkah and Christmas is just around the corner and I'm really wishing I'd been able to have some latkes.  

Anyway, here are some great ideas for Hanukkah decorating and a couple of quick gifts/gift tags. Hope you enjoy! 

wine tags
source, found via

latkes gift wrap

silvery sideboard

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

christmas trailers

Just a FEW of my favorite Christmas movies to share.  I couldn't pick an absolute favorite if my life depended on it, but it would probably come down to either It's a Wonderful Life or the Garfield Christmas Special.  Very different movies, but they're both excellent.  If you haven't seen either on them, I highly recommend that you get on it.  Now.

2011: the year of the pine cone




Of course the year I leave the mountains/The Pinetree State and move to the prairies there is pine cone decor inspiration everywhere.  I have seen so much of it that it was hard to choose just a few images to show you.  I have found a few pine cones around KC, but evergreens just weren't made for this climate.  However, I decided that magnolia cones and gum balls (no clue what these things are officially called) make good substitutes. Mainer friends - you have no excuse! Go find some pine cones and add them to your decor.  It's not too late!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

classic holiday decorations

ornament wreath // ornament setting
ornament chandelier // cranberry topiaries // evergreen candle

festive entry (source unknown) // indoor wreath
 minimalist centerpiece // clementines // ribbon chairs
You can't go wrong with these classy and classic holiday decorating ideas. I love mixing things up, but sometimes I think bad Christmas decorations could be like a bad wedding dress - it might seem like a great idea at the time but those pictures of that super trendy '80s dress will always come back to haunt you.  That neon Christmas tree? The 50 inflatables blowing around in your front yard? Don't think they won't be documented.

Monday, December 19, 2011

spice up your holidays

The countdown is on for Christmas dinner.  And unless you were planning on giving the gift of food poisoning this year, you probably haven't bought your groceries yet.  So, I thought I'd show you a few recipes that have caught my eye.  Each of these recipes gives an unexpected spin to traditional holiday flavors - a great way to impress your guests.

:::citrus cake:::
:::roasted brussels sprouts with cranberry pistachio pesto:::
:::mulled spice and brandy buttercream macarons:::

:::black-spiced rum eggnog:::
:::black sticky gingerbread:::
Mmmm.   What are you planning on eating/serving this year?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

o tannenbaum

For the past three years, my Christmases have been treeless.  This year, determined to have a tree, I dragged Dan to the lot and carefully selected the best one (we wanted to go chop our own down, something I've never done before, but we didn't have time).  A big problem with not having had a Christmas tree before is that we also don't have any ornaments. Alright, that's a bit of a lie - we have two - one of Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth and one antique key that Dan's sister bought for me at an antiques fair.  So we made the rest of them! We're so resourceful :)

Below are Dan's wrapped presents in all their glory.  They're all wrapped in grocery store bags and are mostly decorated with things I had lying around the house.  I made the burlap bow with fabric scraps from another burlap project and used fallen pine cones, branches, and cones from magnolia trees (a new personal favorite) for other embellishments.

Creepy story about me as a little kid/possibly tmi?  I used to sit in front of our Christmas tree for extended periods of time forcing myself to cry so the lights would look all blurry.  I was such a creeper, right? Please don't stop being my friend.  Luckily, I have discovered the wonders of bokeh...I'm pretty sure crying in front of the Christmas tree is even less acceptable as a 27-year old.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

a claymation xmas

California Raisin's Christmas was right up there as one of my favorite Christmas movies when I was a kid.  I probably watched it a million times. Seriously. But when I bring it up to people now, nobody seems to know what I'm talking about.  I think this movie deserves a lot more recognition than it least the 6 year old in me thinks so, anyway. Here is one of my favorite scenes.  Please excuse the poor quality (it's probably recorded off of a VHS recording on someone's tv):

Did any of you watch this movie, too? Is my family the only one?

Friday, December 16, 2011

'tis the season to be plaid

source unknown
Christmas is the perfect time of year to go nuts with the tartan, buffalo check, and gingham.  As if I needed an excuse...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

running a little late gift guide, part 2

And here is part two of my last minute gift guide (and yes, I realize it's not last minute yet...but honestly, how many of you are actually done shopping already?) Hope you enjoy!
sources: one, two, three, four, fi-ve, six

sources: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

sources: one, two, three, four, five

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

running a little late gift guide, part 1

Once I was old enough to kind of know what was going on (aka high school), my dad recruited me to help him shop for my mom for Christmas.  I think this arrangement ended up benefitting both of them - my dad didn't have to rack his brain thinking of presents and my mom (not to pat myself on the back too much) got much better presents.

While my mom got better presents, most of these shopping sprees still took place during the last hours stores are open before Christmas.  Many years LL Bean (open 24/7/365) saved our butts! I don't know what we would have done if we didn't live near Freeport.  I loved these shopping sprees with my dad.  Our energy was kept aloft by all of the other frenzied, last-minute shoppers who buzzed by us, making their rounds through the stores.  Next year, I'll be home for Christmas for the first time in 4 years and I can't wait to keep the tradition alive.

This last minute shopping thing has somehow stuck with me even though I'm normally a planner.  For the past few years I have found myself getting rush delivery and trying desperately to find the right thing at the last moment.  And so I bring you part one of my two part "running a little late" gift guide.  I hope it helps you to find the right gift for that special someone!
Sources: one, two, three, four, five, six

sources: one, two, three, four, five, six

sources: one, two, three, four, five

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

happy st. lucia's day

I first learned about St. Lucia's Day when I was 6 years old and received the Kirsten American Girl Doll for Christmas. (RIP Kirsten, btw). I have wanted to play the role of Lucia ever since.  Traditionally in Sweden (and other Northern and Eastern European countries), St. Lucia's Day is a feast day on which the eldest girl in the family wakes up early, bakes buns called Lussekatt, makes coffee, and dons traditional garb which includes a wreath filled with candles on her head.  Fire hazard? Most definitely.  (Although now the candles are usually battery powered.)

Also, since 1927 Stockholm has been electing an official Lucia each winter.  She leads a city-wide procession.  Most smaller cities and towns around Sweden have taken up this tradition as well, holding their own competitions for Lucia.  Anyway, in honor of this day, I've decided to show you some Scandinavian Christmas images.




Don't you love those little trolls/"tomte"? I bought one like them for my dad when we were in Stockholm.  We named him Humfrid, in case you were curious. God Jul!