Monday, October 24, 2011


The crisp fall weather has me itching to go camping.  My ideal camping adventure involves a tent, some sleeping bags, a hike, and a good campfire (maybe not allowed in Kansas right now, since it hasn't rained in a month?).  The tent pictured below isn't exactly what I envision when I think of camping, but its awesomeness deserves sharing nonetheless.

The decagon tent by Logos.  Amazing! How much fun would this be if you were to go car-camping with a ton of friends?! Or maybe for a family reunion if you actually like your family.  SO fun. Last year during my Moab girls weekend, we purchased a huge 10-person tent and had an old-school sleep-over.  Luckily, none of us snored.   The decagon tent would allow for a bit more privacy than one big tent and the possible combinations are endless!  Of course, set-up and take-down might be a big pain in the you-know-what...

decagon tent found here

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