Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween

Sorry for the absence around here lately.  Dan and I have been busy moving - we're now living with his friend, Kyle, in a town home that's only about 2 miles from Dan's parents' house.  While much easier than the cross-country moves we're accustomed to, this move almost seemed more laborious as we made lots of little trips back and forth. 

In other big news, I start my job as an insurance underwriter tomorrow! I am excited and a bit nervous and also a little sad to be leaving my early retirement :)

Anyway, after I get some more moving-in done today, I will be out to buy some candy in the hopes that some of these little guys knock on our door this evening:

I would wear this
amazing. love the mismatched shoes.
hahaha, poor kid.
most adorable little girl. ever.  check out the other photos on the blog too - love them!

How cute are they?!  Do you think the kid dressed as Kip will be emotionally scarred when he figures out what his costume is? Haha, I think it's hilarious.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

the west bottoms

The West Bottoms area of Kansas City used to be a busy place - filled with all sorts of industrial activity from Union Station, to the Kansas City Live Stock Exchange, to the Kansas City Stockyard - but since the Great Flood of 1951 (it flooded again in the 90s), it has been relatively deserted.  It is, however, making a come-back of sorts.  The first-Friday weekend of every month, numerous antiques shops open up and the area is flooded with visitors.  The old buildings are amazing - just walking through them would be enough of an attraction for me, the fact that they are filled with antiques for sale is icing on the cake.  Anyway, here are a few pictures of the buildings and the train that still runs through regularly that Dan took a few weeks back:

Monday, October 24, 2011


The crisp fall weather has me itching to go camping.  My ideal camping adventure involves a tent, some sleeping bags, a hike, and a good campfire (maybe not allowed in Kansas right now, since it hasn't rained in a month?).  The tent pictured below isn't exactly what I envision when I think of camping, but its awesomeness deserves sharing nonetheless.

The decagon tent by Logos.  Amazing! How much fun would this be if you were to go car-camping with a ton of friends?! Or maybe for a family reunion if you actually like your family.  SO fun. Last year during my Moab girls weekend, we purchased a huge 10-person tent and had an old-school sleep-over.  Luckily, none of us snored.   The decagon tent would allow for a bit more privacy than one big tent and the possible combinations are endless!  Of course, set-up and take-down might be a big pain in the you-know-what...

decagon tent found here

Friday, October 21, 2011

vinalhaven 3: a walk to town and new discoveries

Whoops! This was supposed to be posted in between the other two posts.  This is the middle of our day, when we usually walk to town, maybe get some food, buy candy at the penny candy store (even though it doesn't cost a penny anymore), and wonder what lies behind the yellow walls of Robert Indiana's mysterious home. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

vinalhaven 1: it's all about tradition

Lynsey and Jenny's grandparents, Nana and Papa, have a house on Vinalhaven, an island off of mid-coast Maine.  Many summers we would all pile into cars and then board the ferry for a weekend visit.  This summer the tradition remained alive.  Here are ten things you need to know/do to ensure a great day on Vinalhaven:

1. Wake up very early to catch the ferry from Rockland to Vinalhaven.  The preferred time to leave Cape Elizabeth is 6 a.m. Make sure donuts (Mrs. Dunster's, of course) are in tow.

2.  The best days start out as pea soup days.

3. Try not to eat all of the donuts on the ferry ride over.  You need to save some for Nana and Papa.

4. Once the fog starts to clear, wave to the lobstermen as you go by.

5. Wave to Nana and Papa when the ferry goes by their house. (This is the most important step.)

6. Be really excited/surprised when Nana and Papa wave back (even though they do this every time).

7. Try to contain the excitement of knowing you'll be on Vinalhaven very soon.

8. Pile into Papa's truck and hold on tight while he backs down the driveway!

10.  Drink coffee and eat those donuts (finally).  Then enjoy the view.

That's it! That's the key to a great day in one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth!  I'll post more pictures from Vinalhaven tomorrow.